Hi guys! Happy Tuesday!
In today's blog post, let's talk about confidence. According to the dictionary, it means a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. It's a word that not everyone uses so easily or in my case might scare someone, me. Confidence can be built up, can be broken down or can be taken as being vain. For example, if I have confidence and believe in my own qualities and abilities but people might take it as "oh, you're just showing off or being vain". No, that's not the case.
It took me a while to believe in myself and really had to build my confidence level up. Ever since I started my blogging journey and really throwing myself out there for the world to see and be judged, I started to believe in myself even more. I was that shy girl that didn't really speak up, was afraid of what people would say and felt ugly. I really had to work my confidence level to where it is now. It's the truth.
How I manage to accomplish that was to agree to things I wouldn't normally do before. I remember being offered to work with Speechless dresses. I had to choose three different dress and agree to model the dresses in a photo shoot. Wait, what did you say? A photo shoot? Me? I thought about it and gave it a couple days to respond. Finally, I knew that was out of my comfort level but agreed to it. I was fine until that day came. Oh man, that day, I was a wreck, my nerves and anxiety level were out of control. I got ready and drove to the location. I was afraid and didn't really know what to expect. Once I met the photographer and she started directing me, I was good but it really was a mind game. I could off said, no that day or just not shown up, but that wasn't professional of me. I just had to do it, and that's what I mean, really do something that's out of the norm. It's those types of experiences that really build you up and when you see the outcome, for example, the pictures. I couldn't believe it. I was blown away, like who is this girl?
Later on, you get a boost of confidence and it feels great and because I am a mom, I really want to encourage my girls to be confident and teach them not to be afraid of anything. They can do anything they put their minds too. If you want to be a model, girl, go right ahead, and it's just not about looks. It's how you feel inside that counts, once you have that right level of confidence, it shows and no one can bring you down.

Hopefully, this helps, and encourages you to be your own boost of confidence!
Until next time............. Xoxo